One Body, One Mission
We are men & women across Australia sharing research-based information on intact care, circumcision and the function of the foreskin
Welcome to Intact Australia
Here, you will find a collective and comprehensive overview of all intact related materials available to the public.
We are a not for profit organisation with a goal of spreading awareness to the communities within Australia; to bring an end to the genital cutting of minors and to ensure genital autonomy for all.
Intact Australia serves to unify advocates for genital autonomy coming from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, groups and current locations in life.
Our Goals
We believe that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, gender, ethnicity, size, background, family, or ability to defend themselves, come into this world with the basic human right to genital autonomy. That is, to make personal decisions about what happens to our bodies, in particular, our genitals, in the absence of medical necessity.
In short our goals are:
- To raise awareness that all sexes have equal rights to their own bodies.
- For Routine Infant Circumcision (RIC) to be illegal without a true medical need.
Did you know?
The vast majority of men in the world are intact (not circumcised), and circumcision rates in Australia continue to drop every year.
How to get involved
If you would like to get involved and help spread awareness within your community send us an email by clicking here and we can give you all the information you need.
It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from YOU can make a difference!
We invite you to dig in and explore the vast vault of intact related resources available today. Then, dust off the disengagement, and come get involved!